I’ve put together a list of the most FAQ’s that people ask me. If you have any questions that have not yet been answered, please feel free to contact me through this site. The same goes for any comments and / or remarks. If needed I will get back to you ASAP.
How much would it cost to make me a web site?
I’m afraid that is like asking me “How much would it cost to build a house”?.. I’m afraid that I cannot answer this without knowing what it is you want, or more importantly need. Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.
How long will I have to wait for the site to be up and running?
This depends on the site, a basic html site of lets say 5 pages should take about 3-7 days, however a more complex site can take up to 3 weeks.
Can I follow the progress of the site?, and make changes if needed?
Absolutely, I will upload your site to the internet for you to follow the progress and test the new site. During this period, you are free to make changes. However, mayor changes, for example changing the navigation, will be charged at an hourly rate.
I have a web site, but I am not at all happy with it, will you fix it up for me?
Yes, I can fix up your web site, however, at the low rates I charge, you might consider a new web site, it will probably work out to be cheaper.
know absolutely nothing about web sites or computers, but I need a web site, will you help me even after the site running?
Absolutely, your site is my site, I will be there for you, for the duration of the site. All minor changes to the site will always be FREE.
You can contact me for FREE advice, or with any related questions. Mayor changes (20+ min.) to the site will be charged at an hourly rate.
I sent you an email, but you never replied, why do you not reply ?
I can guarantee you, that I always reply to everyone. The main reason you never heard back from me is probably due to your host filtering the in-coming emails and flagging “Dordogne Design” as spam. To stop this from happening, you should add Dordogne Design to your “Friends List”
Services in a nutshell
• Web Design
• Graphics Design
• Managing Websites
• Web site Consultancy
• 2nd party Hosting
• Domain name registering
• Database Setup
• Complete Site Make Over
• Search Engine Optimization [ SEO ]
• Site Promoting Account Setup
• Social media and blogging
• Site migration incl. database
• Etc.. Etc..